Do I Qualify for SSDI Benefits?

social security disability form and social security card

If you are no longer able to work due to a disability that prevents you from earning income, you might be wondering if you qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. However, the Social Security system can be quite complicated, and skilled legal assistance is often necessary to navigate it with successful results.

How Do I Qualify for SSDI?

You will not necessarily be able to receive SSDI benefits simply because you cannot work in your current job due to your disability. It is possible that, according to the Social Security Administration’s standards, you are not disabled. In order for the Social Security Administration to consider you disabled, you must have either a permanent or long-term disability. In this context, a long-term disability is any condition that lasts a year or more.

If you were employed as an office assistant for the last decade, your job probably demanded you to move around the office frequently. If your current condition prevents you from continuing to perform your job, you might assume this means you are disabled, but the Social Security Administration might disagree with that. If they decide that you are still capable of performing another type of job, it is likely you will not qualify for SSDI benefits.

What Are Work Credits?

Work credits are accumulated by a worker each year that they earn wages and pay FICA taxes which go towards the Social Security system. These credits are tracked by the Social Security Administration. To find out more about your specific credits, you can visit the SSA website.

What Work Credits are Required for SSDI?

Having a qualifying disability is not enough to obtain SSDI benefits. You will also need to have enough work credits, which you should have obtained throughout your employment. The number of credits you need will vary based on a number of factors:

  • Those who are under the age of 24 might qualify for SSDI benefits if they earned 6 work credits within the 3-year timeframe that ended when they became disabled.
  • Those who are between the ages of 24 and 31 might qualify for SSDI benefits if they have work credits for working half the time between the age of 21 and the time the disability began.
  • Those who are over the age of 31 must have earned at least 20 credits within the decade prior to becoming disabled.

If you are able to prove that you have a qualifying disability and have earned enough work credits, you will likely qualify for SSDI benefits.

Speak to an Experienced Attorney Today!

If you are unsure if you qualify for SSDI or need help with the process, reach out to the team at Anderson & Hart, P.A. for the knowledgeable guidance you need to get through this process.

Contact our office today at (850) 203-3041 to request a complimentary consultation with one of our attorneys.

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